
1) IRMS: 2 x Thermo Fisher Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Precision) with TC/EA, Gas bench and Combustion peripherals

2) Water Isotopes: Picarro l2140-i triple water isotope analyzer with autosampler for liquid injection

3) Solar Induced Fluoresence Imaging: Headwall Photonics SIF Imaging system

4) Mobile Lab: Ford eTransit electric cargo van with 50 feet pnematic masting system

5) Soil Analysis: Hyprops2, Pario and Saturo systems for analysis of soil retention curves, hydraulic conductivity and texture

6) Carbon Gas Isotopes: Picarro 13CH4 and 13CO2 analyzer

7) Carbonyl sulfide: Los Gatos Research Inc. OCS/CO/CO2 Analyzer

8) Thermal Camera: FLIR Ex53

9) Carbon Gas IsotopesMicroAeth MA200 Black Carbon Analyzer

10) Sap flow: 30-40 SFM1 Heat Ratio Method SFM1 Sapflow sensors

11) Soil CO2: Vaisala soil CO2 sensors and dataloggers

12) Wet lab/dry lab with extraction lines, balance, microscopes, drying oven, fume hood, muffle furnace, freeze dryer, chest freezer.

13) Computing: 2 High performance computing nodes. Specs: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 2.60GHz, 16 Cores, Cache Size : 20MB, Manufacturer’s model number : DELL ‘PowerEdge R620′, Chipset : Intel Corporation C600/X79 series, 128GB RAM, 1TB on-board hard drive